All tutoring sessions are offered by Anna the founder of BeeBizzy Education from her farmhouse close to Petersfield.
Sessions are relaxed and informal with time to feed the chickens and spend time with Willow and Poppy the dogs and Flo and Bruno the cats.
Foundations in Early Literacy and Maths
Learning through play is our ethos. Following your child’s natural curiosity and supported by a range of multi-sensory approaches, your child will progressively grow in confidence in their phonetic and mathematical understanding of the world around them.
‘Children learn as they play. Most importantly through play children learn how to learn.’
Frank Donaldson
Tutoring Sessions - Key stages 1-3
These are offered in person at New Barn, Torberry Farm close to Petersfield. Sessions are targeted to support and build confidence in line with the National Curriculum syllabus.
If your child is finding the demand of homework and feeling exhausted by the pace and content being delivered in school, we can help!
We support building confidence and connection first, through a bespoke support package with your child’s needs at its heart.
SEN sessions
Does you child have dyslexic or dyscalculia traits?Has your child been given a diagnosis of ADHD or ASD? Our SEN sessions, are informed by many years of experience supporting children with SEN needs. We promote and use multi-sensory learning strategies and build trust and connection through playful learning activities.
We use proven programmes including Alpha to Omega and Read Write Inc Freshstart to offer a progression of skills to develop phonemic awareness, emergent writing skills and numeracy skills.
Contact BeeBizzy
New Barn, Torberry Farm, Petersfield, GU31 5RG